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Taking some time to think through all the potential here after skimming the pdf and listening to the play example that dropped on public FATT, but short story is I am seriously digging it!

Next time I try doing something Kill Six Billion Demons inspired, I feel like the whole "chiseling your identity into something narrow but profoundly effective" and lack of dicerolling filler will be very resonant.

Very much appreciate the callout that Realis prizes "passivity" at the beginning and the mention that there are ways besides Retiring that a character can die, that addresses the mechanical incentives I was most initially concerned about. I appreciate the mention that players might choose not to Realize their Primed Sentences at all.

Though I typically gravitate towards whatever the wizard is in a TRPG, my favorite initial brainstorm for +3 variants on a class sentence suite was turning the Peregrine into a necromancer with extremely Elden Ring vibes:

- When I face a living foe, I always brandish the Wraith Blade I used to slay my master.

- When I whisper to the corpse-ashes I carry, I can always demand a favor from my bound ghosts.

- If my bound ghosts have a grudge for me to settle, I always have the determination to fight for it.

- If I am certain my doom is near, I always flee atop a wispy conjured steed.

Question about part of "Play Example #8":

Why does Kasey get to mark their honed sentence? The honing allowed them to win the conflict so I'm wondering where the failure is that allowed them to mark their sentence.

Amazing game - can't wait for the finished release!

I’m traveling today, but sounds like a typo or holdover from when something else happened in that play example. I’ll take a look once I’m at a computer!! Thank you~


fuligin cloak mention!!!

(1 edit) (+1)
  • Very minor typo: the quotation marks on p.28, column 2, before "always be thoughtful..." are flipped.
  • p.52: missing space between "the" and "Intent"

Fixed! Those two are on me, and I appreciate your pointing them out! - Tyler


Reading this while listening to the Partizan soundtrack and I am living!!, What a great game y'all have put together.

I also, found a typo on page 13 " Characters who use a Sentence in pursuit of an Impulse immediately Recharge their Token immediately,"

Great catch! I made the fix and immediately re-uploaded the file immediately. Future (re)downloads will just have the second one. Thanks! - Tyler

The setting, the mechanics, the writing of the book itself: So much of this is speaking to me at a deep level. There are so few ways this game could captured me more than it already has, and I have yet to actually play it. I cannot wait.

Realis [REAL]! 


Not sure if this is the best place, but i think I may have found a typo in the second sentence of page 83 (it says "does" and should likely say "does not")

But I don't wanna leave it at that so I also wanna say that this is probably the coolest TTRPG mechanic I've ever read. It probably says more about me, but when reading a new TTRPG book, I usually gloss over the mechanics in favor of the lore and world, but Realis's systems had me in rapt attention.

Great catch! I just made the fix and reuploaded, so any future (re)downloads won't have the typo. A game this size & complexity is bound to have a few, so we appreciate your flagging them! Feel free to comment with any your find or you can always reach out to me directly via - Tyler


i am buying this and you should too


you should give this man money


"the first Velvet Underground record Austin Walker TTRPG sold only 30,000 copies in its first five years. Yet, that was an enormously important record game for so many people. I think everyone who bought one of those 30,000 copies started a band podcast/novel/screenplay/revolutionary insurrection."

- Future historians, probably.

Can’t wait to dig into this!

[bad yoda impression that gets the gimmick wrong] It real is

One of my favorite humans. Excited to see this.

I am ecstatic about this - cannot wait for the release!!

the cover is beautifull !

Oh I'm so excited!

Extremely hyped!


Most anticipated rpg since make believe.


Let's Go!!!!!


Austin Walker, along with the crew over at Friends at the Table, have made some of the most profound and exciting stuff in the actual play space maybe ever. I wouldn't be surprised if Realis became a foundational text in the indie TTRPG space alongside games like Blades in the Dark and Dream Apart/Dream Askew


Get in now so you can be insufferable later on when this gets inevitably popular.


The game look exciting, but I saw that the core mechanics are language based. If my group usually runs sessions in English but it is not the primary language of most members, should I be mindful of any issues or limitations that could come up? Regarding for example need for broad vocab or creativity with language use?


Purchased sight unseen. Can't wait to get my hands on it.


Premise sounds nifty, but would love to see more of a preview of how the game actually runs mechanically!

Great news


Can't wait to dig in!


Im so excited for this! Cant wait to get my mits on it!